Conflict Resolution Process for Trainees

Conflict resolution is the process by which two or more parties engaged in a disagreement, dispute, or debate reach an agreement resolving it. See the following steps for the telemental health conflict resolution process for trainees of Positivity+ and Affordable TeleMental Health, LLC.

Informal Process

  • The first step of any resolution should be at the lowest unit level, between the parties involved (e.g., Director of Mental Health Compliance)
  • Positivity + has implemented a Students Conflict Resolution Center which consist of a panel of attorneys to advise and possibly mediate.
  • If no informal resolution is reached at the lowest unit level, a trainee may seek informal resolution at the administrative level. This usually would be the President of the company.
  • If the issue is not resolved informally, the trainee may seek formal resolution.
  • In order to start a formal resolution. A trainee must submit in writing a request to have a formal resolution.
  • If denied, usually the COO and CEO are the only one that can deny a formal request. Trainee will have 30 days to appeal the decision. This will allow the individual time to obtain their own legal representation and for the Positivity+ Executive members (CEO, COO, Attorney & President) to review the case.
  • Once Appeal has been reviewed, the Executive Team will meet with the trainee on the findings to determine whether formal resolution is needed.

Formal Process

  • At this stage, Positivity+ will Appoint an Academic Complaint Officer. The Academic Complaint Officer is appointed by the CEO to handle any disputes with trainees.
  • The Academic Complaint Officer is not affiliated with the company and remains neutral in all matters.
  • Trainee will file a formal complaint and schedule an appointment to meet with the ACO. This complaint must be filed within 30 calendar days.
  • The Academic Complaint Officer Receives and Attempts to Resolve the Complaint.
  • If the Academic Complaint Officer is unable to formally resolve the trainee’s complaint, the trainee is entitled to a hearing. The Academic Complaint Officer will refer the matter back to the Executive Team who is responsible for getting a hearing scheduled. Preparation for the hearing may include a pre-hearing conference to address such questions as the issues at stake, the witnesses expected to testify, the documents to be reviewed and exchanged between the parties, and other matters that will help the hearing proceed in a focused and efficient manner.
  • If the Academic Complaint Officer is unable to formally resolve the trainee’s complaint, the trainee is entitled to a hearing. The Academic Complaint Officer will refer the matter back to the Executive Team who is responsible for getting a hearing scheduled. Preparation for the hearing may include a pre-hearing conference to address such questions as the issues at stake, the witnesses expected to testify, the documents to be reviewed and exchanged between the parties, and other matters that will help the hearing proceed in a focused and efficient manner.

The hearing panel will provide a fair opportunity for the trainee to present his or her views and information.The panel will prepare a written report, recommending findings and a resolution of the matter. The panel must submit its report within 15 calendar days of the close of the hearing, unless there are compelling reasons for delay. The chair will send the report to the COO of the company.

The COO will review the panel’s report and may review any other parts of the hearing record. The COO has full discretion to accept, modify, or reject the panel recommendations. Within 15 calendar days of receipt of the panel report, the COO will issue a decision to the parties, unless there are compelling reasons for delay. The COO must inform the trainee of the right to appeal an adverse decision.

The appeal will be sent to the CEO, who will review the findings and report. He/She will make the final decision. No more appeals after this point.