We all have changes that happen at some point throughout our lifetimes. This might be something as simple as graduating high school and going off to college, or it could be a tragic event, such as the loss of a spouse. Today, Positivity+ tunes into a few specific major life changes and offers up examples of ways that you might best manage these transitions.


Moving often happens in the wake of another life event, but it’s worth noting on its own. Occasionally, the most effective way to bring about positive change is by immersing yourself in a completely new environment. If you’re inclined to leave behind the burdens of maintenance or downsize to reduce the demands of upkeep and cleaning, not to mention eliminate clutter, you might want to explore the option of renting a new space. To locate a suitable rental property, you can browse online listings and refine your search by considering factors such as cost, property type, as well as the number of bedrooms and bathrooms. 

Even if you’re moving back to your hometown, things will never be exactly as they were. Look for ways to feel reconnected, such as visiting familiar places. You can even use an online search engine to find people you graduated from high school with. These programs are quick and easy to use, and all you need is the name, school, and graduation year to reconnect with friends (and maybe even an old flame) that you left behind in Atlanta when you moved away.

Recognizing the power we have over our lives.

At some point, you will hopefully have an epiphany and realize that you have more influence and control over your surroundings than you may think. For example, embarking on a new career and going back to school can improve your prospects by earning a bachelor of education. With a degree in education, you can learn skills such as instructional practice and learning strategies, which they can apply to a job in teaching. An affordable online program gives you the flexibility to balance work, family, and school. 

Experiencing trauma.

While there are many different events that might cause trauma, it’s important to understand when you’ve had a traumatic event and know how to navigate your internal feelings surrounding the time the trauma is taking place. Traumatic events are typically those that are unprepared for and that leaves you feeling powerless. If possible, try to maintain your awareness in the moment so that you can hold onto your clarity until you get through the worst.

Public humiliation.

Being humiliated in public is a major life event that might even trigger a move or a trauma response. It’s intensely painful, and it can take years to recover. Public humiliation may come in the form of something happening privately within your family or, more likely, blasted online for the world to see. While there is no good way to “get over it,” it can help to remember that you are not alone and view the crisis as an opportunity for change before moving on to the rest of your life. The Overwhelmed Brain notes further that you shouldn’t hide, but you should consider whether or not revenge is worth further consequences.


While divorce is nothing new – LegalJobs points out that there were more than 630,000 in 2020 alone, although rates are declining – it is a painful experience that can leave you struggling to regain your sense of self. After all, you may have spent decades defining yourself by your coupling. Try to remember that you are fully capable of taking care of yourself and making decisions that don’t require the input of another. And never lose sight of the fact that you’re more valuable than the other person may have made you feel throughout the end of your marriage.

Learning how to overcome major life changes is just one way to keep your mental and spiritual health in check. Whether you choose to spend time in nature, keep a journal, or even connect with your faith community (or old friends from high school), we must all learn how to recover from pivot points in our lives. Today’s post touches on just a few of these in hopes of inspiring you to handle life with grace, poise, and confidence.

Written by Brad Krause