You’re a busy person who has many obligations and a great deal of stress, but you also sense the need for a change. You want to improve the way you look and feel, but you aren’t quite sure how to get started. In that case, read on for some tips about how to look and feel your very best, courtesy of Positivity+.

Make Healthier Choices

Begin by making healthier choices regarding eating and exercise. Cut out most of the junk food in your diet, and replace it with fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Get yourself excited about cooking by researching easy recipes. Beware of impulse buying when you shop, but consider picking up some vitamins and supplements to give yourself a boost.

If you want to look and feel great, then start an exercise routine, and stick with it. You might begin with a few minutes of physical activity each day. Set up a designated exercise space at home, and consider investing in some exercise equipment. Then get into a routine, and build your exercise to include a blend of cardio and weight training several days per week.

Take Time for Yourself

Part of your new self-care effort should focus on taking time for yourself. Allow yourself to relax for a while each day. Curl up with a book, or watch a favorite television program. Start a new hobby, or chat with a friend. Make time for yourself a habit.

Switch Careers

If stress at work is getting you down, then perhaps it’s time to make a change for your mental health. Consider switching careers. You might have to return to school to build your skills, but these days, you can earn a master’s degree right online even as you work and manage your family obligations. An online MBA, for instance, will give you a boost in everything from marketing and human resource management to strategic planning and statistics to corporate finance and accounting. Just make sure you choose an accredited program that offers competitive tuition.

Work From Home

A career change may not be in the cards right now, but you could still cut stress by working from your home more often. You won’t have to worry about your commute time, so you can focus more of your attention on spending time with your family, setting up your exercise routine, and experimenting with healthy cooking. You might even get some extra sleep.

Get Relaxed at Home

Finally, make an effort to create a peaceful, healthy home environment that promotes relaxation. Declutter and organize your possessions to avoid feeling overwhelmed by your stuff. Get rid of what you don’t need, and set up organization systems in cabinets and closets for more efficient storage. You might even create a dedicated meditation space, complete with relaxing essential oils, where you can unwind from a hectic day. Consider adding air and water purifiers to your home, too.

Look and Feel Wonderful

You can look your best and feel wonderful. Get started by making healthier choices, taking time for yourself, considering switching careers, working from home, or making your house more relaxing.

Positivity+ seeks to provide extraordinary customer service using the following three components: affordability, leadership, and listening skills.

Written by Cheryl Conklin