Losing your job or having your hours cut back can be a stressful and difficult event. But it doesn’t have to mean the end of the world. Positivity+ can help you cope with this challenge. And if you’re underemployed or unemployed, there are lots of ways to supplement your income, so we’ve put together a list of the top ways you can make extra money on the side to ease the financial pressure of being laid off or underemployed.

Put Your Writing Skills to Good Use

If you’re a writer, freelance writing is a great way to use your writing skills and make some extra cash on the side. There are tons of websites that pay freelance writers for content. All you need is an internet connection and a laptop. Plus, many freelance writers can work full-time hours from home.

Monetize Your Admin Skills

Becoming a virtual assistant is a great way to make use of your administrative skills, even if you don’t have an office job. As a VA, you can provide support services like scheduling meetings, managing emails, setting up appointments, and more. If you’re unsure about becoming a VA, there are plenty of online resources that can help you learn more.

Teach and Reap the Rewards

Do you have knowledge in a certain subject? Why not put it to good use and become an online tutor? You can help students with their homework or teach them something new in exchange for money. There are plenty of websites that offer online tutoring services so you don’t have to worry about finding clients yourself.

Become a Bona Fide Expert

Are you an expert in something? Creating an online course is one of the best ways to monetize your expertise and help others learn at the same time. It takes some work upfront, but once it’s done, all you have to do is promote it and collect payments from customers who buy your course.

Create a Business You Can Be Proud Of

If you’re crafty, why not turn that passion into profit? Selling arts and crafts online is becoming increasingly popular as more people look for unique handmade items instead of mass-produced products found in stores. Plus, selling online means no overhead costs since you don’t need a physical store space. 

If creating is not your thing, you can still sell stuff online as an affiliate. Affiliate marketing involves promoting products or services that are sold by other companies in exchange for a commission. You can promote these products and services through social media, blogs, email newsletters, etc., and it’s a great way to make money if you already love spending time online.  

Be a Pet Whisperer

Love animals but don’t want the commitment of owning one? Pet sitting or dog walking may be just what you need. You can offer pet-sitting or dog-walking services on your own or through one of many pet-sitting apps available today, all while making some extra money on the side. 

Join the Gig Economy

Delivering groceries is an increasingly popular way to make some extra money. By signing up with a grocery delivery service, you can get paid for running errands and helping people shop from the comfort of their own homes.  

If driving is more your thing, then why not sign up with a ride-sharing service? This lets you set your own schedule while still earning extra money by picking up passengers when it’s convenient for you.

Go Back to School

Going back to school may sound overwhelming, but learning new, marketable skills can open up lots of opportunities for employment down the line. For example, if your passion is IT, going back to school to become certified in the field of information technology degree will pave the way for serious earning potential. And by pursuing your certification through an online degree program, it’s easier to juggle your studies while you’re working.

Making extra money on the side doesn’t have to be hard. The key is having an idea of how to best put your skills to use. With determination and creativity, there’s no limit to what kind of additional income stream you can create.

Written by Cheryl Conklin